The Queen, T. Tasmanian Boudoir Studio

Queen T wrote a message to herself on my door:

"Dear T, Relax and enjoy the journey, kick cancer in the butt!"

And I do not doubt that she will.

I work with many beautiful women, each with their unique journey and reasoning for visiting my studio. T's story broke me a little because strength and beauty are one, and her power to fight makes her beauty more powerful.

My studio is hidden in an adorable little arts building that once held the celebrated Marble Shop in Sheffield, Tasmania. Sheffield is the home of art, the town of murals, and one of the quirkiest places I have ever lived. Every wall inside my little space is crooked, the bay windows frosted for privacy, and the high ceiling beam offers a unique way to utilise the swing. I love it. If I could describe the style, I would say maximalist, with a massive hint of over-the-top opulence.

I have many more sessions to share over the coming weeks.